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Città: Sterling Heights    Strumenti: Accordian, Harmonica, Congo Drums    Lingue: English, Tibetan     Photographer/Artist    


Photographer, Artist...
Former Car Photographer from Detroit...

INTERSETS: Art, Museums, Frank Sinatra (Aficionado), George Carlin, old b/w Hollywood films & old movie star trivia, TCM, old vintage cars, camping & long trips in my cruiser van, formal gardens, computers, techie stuff, movie soundtrack music, Hemingway, radio (talk & short wave), KCRW-FM, Havana cigars (smok'm when I can get'm), chili dogs, hamburgers, intrigued with old cemeteries, artistic tombstones & mausoleums, producing slideshows & visual films.

I'm looking for creative friendships in the arts and music. I've just started this site so check back as I work my thoughts out to you. Let's have a good time.