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Alcuni amici di Natalia


You are invited to a unique album! Blessed John is an illuminated musician. The piano is his Orpheus’s lyre. Nowadays, as if it was for the first time, he discovers the musical creations and the composers themselves: Gluck, Schubert, Beethoven… This music is revelation of mysteries of the sea power which is just beginning. The sea is a mysterious world concealed from an exterior sight. In the spiritual sense it belongs to another matter and to another world. According to legend many preceding perished civilizations have gone to the bottom of the sea.

Music is a mediatress between the two worlds: the heavenly and earthly ones. And its blessed instruments are prophets, anointed ones, orpheuses and beethovens.

Christoph Willibald Gluck
The Elysian Fields episode from “Orpheus and Eurydice” opera (1762)
Orpheus, the great singer of ancient Atalanta, is the father of all minstrels. He fearlessly descends into hell, relying only upon one weapon: the one of love and of the great heart given to him by his father Apollo. Even Cerberus, the three-headed rabid dog who devoured the dead and alive, didn’t resist Orpheus’s lyre. And also nowadays, the music of pure love revealing from above will win a victory over any world evil, and the Kingdom of superior love, kindness, wisdom and peace will be established.

Schubert. Evening serenade.
The irrational sphere of Schubert’s divine longueurs is the sign of mystical craving for concealed dialogue. How much the soul aspires to the union of eternal ties with the Mysterious Beloved One! The heart like a bird transubstantiates into the nieghbour’s heart, singing its concealed adoration song. The swan while leaving this world sings its most beautiful song. Like Orpheus, the atlantic bird of Minne doesn’t die but goes away to heavenly swan lakes.

Piano Sonata No. 21 (1804).
This is hyperborean beatitudes. Hyperborea was so beautiful and glorious that Apollo Musegetes himself (according to atlantic legends) every year during summer month came flying on his sunny chariot and spent there a lot of time. Unshakeable peace reigned. There was no difference between heaven and earth: deities settled on the earth and earthmen ascended to heaven. The civilization was immaculate. The sunny chalice nourished from above, by earthly terms, during thousands and hundreds thousand years…

Overture for Goethe’s drama “Egmont” (1810)
From Blessed John’s diary: “… sweetest hot father’s tears… the tears of Seraphim of Solovky*. They run down my cheeks interminably. I’m crying at the instrument… I was playing “Egmont” and could hardly control myself. They were tears transfigured into the notes… People felt it and consoled me in their letters… Atlantis will never abandon us… It is Beethoven’s world. I perform Beethoven in order to, – like that, vibrationally and acoustically, – manifest the world of Atlantis… With the atlantic vibrations of the music I perforate the ear which is necessary for hearing the Divine Word, for seeing the neighbour.”
*(Seraphim of Solovky - the last Russian tsar Mikhail Romanov, 39 years in the Gulag).