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When the moment things search in the art world of information, people will be surprised to find that the web site The site rich in detail, founded by the San Francisco art collector Steven Leiber, presenting his gallery and a collection of collections, and his gallery is located at his grandmother's house. Leiber died in 2012, and now, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive announced it would buy his collection and Museum, including more than 300 works of art, mainly is the concept of art, there are more than 700 books and catalogues and additional. The library catalogue involves some artists shocking Name: Bas Jan Ader, Michael Asher, John Baldessari, Alighiero Boetti, Marcel Broodthaers, Stanley Brouwn, Daniel Buren, James Lee Byars, Hanne Darboven, Walter De Maria, Gilbert & George, Douglas Huebler, Stephen Kaltenbach, Allan Kaprow, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt. Richard Long, Lee Lozano, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Ed Ruscha, and Lawrence Weiner etc..

canvas paintings

landscape paintings Paintings

still life paintings Paintings

nude paintings Paintings

animal paintings

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