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With all the hype surrounding e-cigarettes, you may be wondering if you should try them. Why would you use an e-cigarette instead of just smoking a regular cigarette though? Here are some popular reasons:

No tobacco means no tar or other toxic substances. Regular cigarettes contain around 4,000 harmful chemicals including arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide. About 50 of these chemicals are thought to be carcinogenic.
--No second-hand smoke, so you're not harming those around you either.
--Legal to smoke anywhere. Many countries now ban smoking in most public places, but as no tobacco is being burnt, you can enjoy your Electronic Cigarette just about anywhere!
--Much cheaper than smoking traditional cigarettes. You can make significant savings by switching to E-cigarettes. Some people report savings of 50% or more.
--Different cartridge strengths means you can lower your nicotine intake over time. You may gradually wean yourself off nicotine altogether and find yourself using cartridges with 0mg of nicotine, just enjoying the taste and sensation of smoking.
--Their design offers a similar experience to smoking a normal cigarette. Many people who try nicotine patches and gum find they miss the act of smoking. Electronic Cigarettes allow you to cut out negative aspects of cigarettes, whilst maintaining the sensation of smoking.
--No unpleasant smell. The vapor produced by electronic cigarettes is virtually odorless and dissipates very quickly.
--Wide range of flavors available. From regular tobacco to USA Mix, there's a flavor out there for everybody.
--Nicotine cravings are satisfied faster than they would be by a patch or gum.
--Clean and easy to use - no lighter, matches or ashtray required!