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Richard Ozanne A hand signed Score of Dmitri Kabalevsky Piano Concerto #4 "Praha" was my first initial interest in going to Prague- I learned the piece and played it repeatedly finally with a string orchestra, maybe the first time in Prague ever played, the Prague Concerto- I met Dmitri Kabalevsky on several occasions, one at the ISME in London Ontario and then invited later to accompany my father to the USSR on his performance tours of 1980- I was intrigued into the piece during a dinner at Kabalevskys home, during his talks over the dinner table- He too had wanted to become a painter at one time and invited me at that time to do a portrait of him for his 75th Anniversary, delivered to him later via special courier from the University of Arizona Tucson---I will never forget Kabalevsky or the time spent at dinner- I learned the piece immediately and played this at Chautauqua the next summer of 1980-
13 settembre 2012Mi piace
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